Weathering the storm

Maybe one silver lining to this crisis is that we’ll finally appreciate the value of true leadership: It’s a lot more than cruel words disguised as “straight talk”. The mark of a good leader shouldn’t be gauged by the strength of the stock market. Maybe we’ll stop equating kindness with weakness and dismissing uncomfortable truths as “fake news”. It’s precisely at times like these when we realize how essential to true leadership are moral courage, inner strength and kindness. You can’t be a true leader — hell, you can’t be a true grown up!– if you’re not willing to get real with yourself and acknowledge the ugly stuff you’d rather not face. In the absence of true leadership, we’ll have to find those qualities within ourselves and nurture them as much as possible. So, if you’re stressed, find a way to self-soothe. It that means praying, by all means, pray. If you need a walk in the park, it’s possible to do so and still practice social distancing. If you get grounded by dancing in your underwear, Risky Business style, indulge — (just tape the camera on your laptop). Paint or sing or journal. Find the discipline to fight your fears as they pop up. And when you’re feeling strong, reach out to others. Write or email or FaceTime them.

Be well and take good care.