The Age of Glamour


Annex - Loy, Myrna_01Today is Myrna Loy’s birthday. It just so happens that yesterday was my birthday and as a fellow Leo girl, I thought I’d write about glamour, or at least my definition of glamour. The word automatically brings up images of black and white photos of starlets from Hollywood’s golden era: luminous skin caught in glorious black and white, shot through a gauzy, loving lens that faithfully imitates a lover’s dazzled gaze. The old style glamour is all about being seen, ourselves in the eyes of others. There’s a little bit of mystery, yes, and with it a certain otherworldliness. The very beauty of the shots evokes the idea that these women are figments of our imagination, and therefore not real.

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Make Your Weakness Your Strength

This is the first rule in my personal Tao. What others perceive as a weakness is actually what sets you apart. Anyone else can adapt to the rules by changing herself. You are not just anybody. Your goal in life is to be more yourself. Hence, turn your weakness around. You have a gap in your teeth? Don’t get braces and look like everyone else — play up your defect. It’s what will make you memorable. Look at Madonna. All that money and success and she still hasn’t gotten that gap fixed. She was strong enough to be herself.